Millennia Overview


Learn From The Best

We've recruited the best minds to teach startup online. All Millennia instructors have a minimum of two years of experience working with startups or hold an MBA, M.S. or Ph.D. in their area of specialty - and understand the elements that make startups successful.

Start A Class

our program is virtual

Learning Startup has never been easier. All Millennia startup classes are 100% virtual and only are four weeks long. As a student, you will be able to attend classes virtually through our web-based virtual classroom, or through our Google Classroom app on IoS or Android. 

LEarn for 25$ per week

In 30 days you can have a degree in startup. For $100 per class ($25 per week), Millennia students get fast, hands-on instruction weekly from experts in startup. Every class in our curriculum is designed to help you quickly learn and implement the proven startup concepts and methodologies taught by our instructors within four-weeks.  

We Guarantee Growth

After completing a Millennia class we guarantee you be armed with a new perspective on how to grow and develop your startup business.After completing your startup course successfully, you will receive earn Millennia certificate of completion. With a certificate of completion, you will be granted access to our free exclusive monthly workshops, and private one on one mentoring sessions. Students with four or more certificates will be awarded an official Millennia startup certification and will win the option to participate in our free three-month startup acceleration program.

Join Our First Class

Our first class to be offered in May will be a market research class called, "How To Learn Your Market and Find The Perfect Customers," taught by startup consultant and business psychologist Nijah Adams-Ikweun, M.S.
